The mask editor and its auto-mask generator are very flexible tools. These more advanced techniques will allow you to create specialised masks for specific situations and purposes.
Sometimes, it is desirable to keep an object or area from being included in an auto-generated mask. It is possible to have the auto-mask generator operate only on designated areas;
This time set 'Old Mask' to 'Add New To Old' to add the newly generated mask to the mask we already have.
The 'AutoMask' button launches a popup with access to two quick ways of creating a star mask.
The two aspects - colour and luminance - of your image are neatly separated thanks to StarTools' signal evolution Tracking engine.
The two aspects - colour and luminance - of your image are neatly separated thanks to StarTools' signal evolution Tracking engine.
You can convert everything you see to a format you find convenient. Give it a try!