The Stereo 3D module is able to export your images for use with Facebook's 3D photo feature.
The 'Facebook' button in the module saves your image as dual JPEGs; one image that ends in '.jpg' and one image that ends in '_depth.jpg' Uploading these images as photos at the same time will see Facebook detect and use the two images to generate a 3D photo.
Please note that due Facebook's algorithm being designed for terrestrial photography, the 3D reconstruction may be a bit odd in places with artifacts appearing and stars detaching from their halos. Nevertheless the result can look quite pleasing when simply browsing past the image in a Facebook feed.
And all this is just what Tracking does for the deconvolution module.
The Wipe module detects, models and removes sources of unwanted light bias, whether introduced in the optical train, camera or by light pollution.
StarTools stores the masks you used in your workflow in the StarTools.log file itself.
You will find that a higher 'Locality' value with all else equal, will yield an image with areas of starker contrast.
The Super Structure allows you to manipulate the super structures in your image separately from the rest of the image.
You can convert everything you see to a format you find convenient. Give it a try!