Auto crop max fov

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Auto crop max fov

Post by Burly »

Is it possible ivo to have ST to measure an image and crop by say another few pixels so leaving the maximum fov of an image obviously wipe knows this as it backs off if you dont crop enough ?.
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Re: Auto crop max fov

Post by admin »

Burly wrote: Fri Mar 19, 2021 9:43 am Is it possible ivo to have ST to measure an image and crop by say another few pixels so leaving the maximum fov of an image obviously wipe knows this as it backs off if you dont crop enough ?.
We used to have that in the Crop module at one stage (the "StArt" button), but it the stacking artifact detection was a bit hit-and-miss. Sometimes stacking artifacts can be quite subtle, and they occur at all sorts of different angles. It is probably best left to humans...
Ivo Jager
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Re: Auto crop max fov

Post by Burly »

Ok thanks Ivo
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