Colour problems

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Colour problems

Post by almw59 »

Since upgrading to the latest version of starTools (1.7.458), I have had issues with getting a proper colour balance. There is always a strong green cast that is not easy to remove. This was not an issue on previous versions of the software and nothing has changed in the way I capture or stack the images. Any ideas?
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Re: Colour problems

Post by Burly »

I’m sure ivo will comment shortly once he updates on posts :thumbsup: I have noticed clicking on green dominant pixels doesn’t seem to reduce channel as much that may be because Ivo has tweaked or a bug that has passed under the radar but that can be overcome by click on green channel a few clicks and watching the rgb window .

Regards Dave
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Re: Colour problems

Post by almw59 »

Yes - had spotted the click to reduce green no longer appears to work. Playing with the reduce green does address the issue, but it is very easy to over do the reduction and end up with an even worse colour balance. It used to get a good balance straight away without making any changes or sample masks. The only setting I occasionally play with was the strength, as sometimes I toned it down a little.
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Re: Colour problems

Post by admin »


There never was a "click to reduce green" function. This is a new feature and was introduced in 1.7.
Prior to 1.7, clicking on pixel would use it as a white reference (which you can still do by using a mask and using the Sample function).

You should only use the Cap Green function as a last resort. You should always endeavor to first address any green dominance through color balancing. If you struggle with seeing green dominance, use the MaxRGB mode.

If you struggle with Color balancing in general, consult the Color module documentation, which details a number of techniques you can use.

If you keep having trouble, please feel free to share your dataset and an example of the problem you are seeing, so we can better assist you.

Hope this helps!
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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