a good way to test the Heal module...

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a good way to test the Heal module...

Post by RICH-DSO »

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Re: a good way to test the Heal module...

Post by admin »

This is a very elegant way of doing the "starless" thing; it takes away the angst any purists (like myself :mrgreen: ) feel when we read (or usually - see) something like Heal or StarNet++ was used during processing to remove stars. It lets use clearly see and evaluate any artifacts that were inevitably introduced, while letting us appreciate the larger structure without feeling uneasy about what we're seeing.

I like this a lot! :thumbsup:
Ivo Jager
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Re: a good way to test the Heal module...

Post by RICH-DSO »

Hi Ivo,
Introducing artifacts or changing the image was also my concern, but The Heal module works so well, it is identical...
I was impressed.
Clear skies to you Ivo!
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