Combining data from different scopes/cameras

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Combining data from different scopes/cameras

Post by Heno »

I'm pretty sure that this is not possible, at least I have not found a way, but it would have been a really cool feature if it was.
I'm thinking like having a reference image, selecting a number of stars in it(3 would probably do the trick). Then in the image to be scaled, select the three same stars and then let Startools scale this image. Save it and then open it in compose or some other fashion.

Or is there already a way to do this?
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Re: Combining data from different scopes/cameras

Post by admin »


While this would be useful in perhaps a limited amount of situations, the absolute best way of aligning different channels or bands is by using a single reference in the stacker.

The reason for that, is that this will be far more precise, which in turn will have important benefits for procedures that rely on very precise alignment, such as deconvolution and color calibration.

What sort of use cases would were you thinking of?
Ivo Jager
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Re: Combining data from different scopes/cameras

Post by Heno »

During this autumn I acquired simultaneous data with a RASA8/color camera and an APO/mono camera. The thought was to get color information with the RASA while getting lum with the APO.
I ran into a problem with combining these in APP because the ASI294MC will not produce color images unless I force CFA. Doing that makes APP think that images captured with the ASI1600MM are also color, thus expecting colored calibration frames. They are not, and calibration fails.
I have notified the APP team, but I don't think this is a priority as it is a quite special situation. But if I could have processed these separately and then scaled one to fit the other in Startools I would be there.
I have no idea how accurate or complex such a solution would have to be, but I thrust you if you say it is not a good idea.

And while we are talking about scaling and such: Why is it that in the layer module the images has to be exactly the same size? Could that requirement be removed?
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Re: Combining data from different scopes/cameras

Post by dcollier »

I think it might be possible to separate the color image into R,G,B channels individually using compose save those individually as mono. then try registering/ scaling them ( Mono channels) in APP, assigning each to an individual channel. Then Use compose to recombine them as you like?
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Re: Combining data from different scopes/cameras

Post by Burly »

Startools is only a processing program not a stacking program you can use registar for this purpose not cheap though , I believe pixinsight, app , nebulosity also can do rescaling but this needs doing prior to stacking the whole data sets .
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