Imaging with mono and colour camera for one image

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Imaging with mono and colour camera for one image

Post by Topographic »

I have a Zwo ASI183mm and also the mc version. I want to combine Luminance from the mono (with or without Ha filter) with colour data from the colour version of the camera.

My thoughts are seperate images processedand then blend, or using compose to load the data from both images and then process. What would anyone recommend.


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Re: Imaging with mono and colour camera for one image

Post by admin »

Spot on - the Compose module is what you are after.
Load the OSC dataset as red, green and also blue, load your luminance dataset as L, set "Luminance, Color" to "L, RGB" and away you go. :thumbsup:
Ivo Jager
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Re: Imaging with mono and colour camera for one image

Post by Topographic »


thanks for the reply. I just need to get my head around this. The total process. Does this sound right?

1 - Luminance with mono cam (with or without ha filter)
2 - Frame mask an image
3 - Match Telescope view to Luminance image/mask using OSC camera
4 - Stack the two sets separately,
Edit 4a- Use first stacked Image as reference for second dataset (DSS) Right click image (select referenc) then deselect tick box
5 - Load Luminance as stated
6 - Load OSC to R-G-B colour as stated
7 - Process as normal.

What confuses me is the lining up of the two data sets in Startools. ( see edit 4a--correct?)

Further question, if I wanted to add extra Luminance to Luminance + Ha would this be done as one set for startools by combining during the stacking process?


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Re: Imaging with mono and colour camera for one image

Post by admin »

Hi David

Edit 4a is correct; alignment by the stacker is always more optimal/precise than aligning two separate, already stacked datasets during post-processing (hence StarTools not offering this sort of functionality).

Not entirely sure what you mean by frame mask though?
Further question, if I wanted to add extra Luminance to Luminance + Ha would this be done as one set for startools by combining during the stacking process?
You don't typically add Ha to L (mixing narrowband and visual spectrum signal does not make a whole lot of sense for the purpose of detail/luminance).
Have a look here for some techniques to incorporate Ha into your image.
Ivo Jager
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Re: Imaging with mono and colour camera for one image

Post by Topographic »


Frame mask in APT is a tool for aligning two sessions (nights or after flip) where you click on stars on a previous nights image (it produces a small circle) and then move alignment until the circles are on the correct stars on a live view image.

By adding Ha to L. What I meant was adding mono(without filter) to mono with Ha filter (to increase contrast) but not use any Ha data for colour.
Mono = increase L detail by total imaging time
Mono + Ha filter = Increase contrast (or for use during moon) and perhaps keep to use for narrowband image later.

These could be stacked as groups, using different gain for what would be broadband and narrowband data.

Hope that makes sense. Mono with Ha filter.



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