The Propeller Nebula: DWB 111

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The Propeller Nebula: DWB 111

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

Here is a nice image captured by my friend Dan Case. We are both members of Sonora Desert Astro Imagers, a group of dedicated astro imagers pursuing highly automated imaging in their backyards. Dan was using his Astro-Physics 130mm refractor.

I've been serving as the StarTools tutor for our group. There is a high level of interest in Ivo's clever solutions to classic processing problems. This group has years of experience with Photoshop and PixInsight, so we are able to draw a lot of interesting comparisons. In the case of Dan's image, I combined Ha with RGB in the Layers module. My iMac runs StarTools so well that another member of the group was inspired to buy a big iMac.

Propeller Final Small.jpg
Propeller Final Small.jpg (469.02 KiB) Viewed 1729 times
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Re: The Propeller Nebula: DWB 111

Post by admin »

The "propeller" is distinctly visible here - very nice!
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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Re: The Propeller Nebula: DWB 111

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

Thanks, Ivo.

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