The Very Rare Hickson 91 Compact Galaxy Group

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The Very Rare Hickson 91 Compact Galaxy Group

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

This image was uploaded to Astrobin this morning, at this URL: Here is the accompanying text.


The largest of the three spirals (NGC 7214) in the Hickson 91 group is only 1.4 arcmin wide, but this is still a pleasing image. You can easily see the tidal tails caused by the galaxies’ gravitational interactions. At some distant time in the future the galaxies in this compact group will merge.

This is an RGB image.

Tech Notes for ASA 500/3.6:
ASA Newtonian, 500 mm aperture, 1900mm focal length, F3.6
FLI Proline 16803, 9 mm pixel, 4096 X 4096
ASA DDM85 equatorial mount
Processing with PixInsight, StarTools and Affinity Photo
Hickson 91 Final Small.jpg
Hickson 91 Final Small.jpg (414.24 KiB) Viewed 1825 times
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