Is there a way to combine 5 narrow band image sets

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Is there a way to combine 5 narrow band image sets

Post by markcasazza »

I'm interested it recreating the recent Hubble release of NGC2775. Looking at the data there are 5 narrow band images: IR(814), Green(555), Blue(438), Near UV(336), and Far UV(275). What is the best way to approach this if the goal is to produce what I call a "realistic view" pulling the IR and UV into the human visible spectrum.The map I have in mind is:
814 - "deep" Red (720)
555 - Green (540)
438 - Cyan (510)
336 - Blue (465)
275 - "deep" Blue (perceived as purple) (415)

Thanks for helping me learn new trick with StarTools!

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Re: Is there a way to combine 5 narrow band image sets

Post by admin »

Hi Mark,

The Compose module is your friend; here you can quickly create new channels from multiple datasets (up to 3).
Flip "Luminance, Color" into "L + Synthetic L From RGB, Mono", then the datasets as red, green and/or blue. Use the Total Exposure sliders to make a weighted blend (if you want to).
"Keep" and save your new channel. Do the same for all three.
Once you got your final 3 new channels, load them in the Compose module and process as you see fit.

Hope this helps!

Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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