Autodev after wipe.

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Autodev after wipe.

Post by shaun_slade »

I really would like to adjust the wipes without autodev turning up the exposure to 1000% after. I can't judge how well to use it with my noisy data. Is this possible or please can this be implemented?
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Re: Autodev after wipe.

Post by happy-kat »

If you bin and then crop before using Wipe is it as noisy?
If you have dust bunnies or other artefacts still left you could mask those out when using Wipe it helps it calculate the Wipe to use on the whole image.
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Re: Autodev after wipe.

Post by shaun_slade »

It is just noise after wiping because of the autodev. I followed the starting with good data guide. I have 7 hours DSLR Raw with Darks and Flats. Intersection etc.

I can go up to about 87% with manual develop and get a nice image after wiping. But the autodev makes it turn to a black and white mess. I'd like to be able to use the wipe with my own stretch, to judge how aggressive to make it.

I always get possible stacking artifacts despite it looking good and no vignetting etc.
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Re: Autodev after wipe.

Post by happy-kat »

I don't judge the quality of a stretch by the auto autodev, but after wipe do a manual autodev adjusting settings to better expose the image, it is mono at this stage as colour module hasn't been used.
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Re: Autodev after wipe.

Post by hixx »

It appears You have AutoDev run on the whole image like in the initial stretch. For the final stretch You will need to give AutoDev a bit more guidance.
1) Mask out any dark anomalies (dust specks, trees, mountains etc)
2) Try selecting a Region of Interest (ROI) first - using click&drag on your object. It does not need to be the whole or all objects in your picture. the ROI should just contain a good representation of the brightness levels you like to feature. Do not expect to get it right first. You may fine tune with the sliders.
3) You want to increase the "Ignore Fine Detail" parameter. This makes AutoDev disregard noise rather than featuring noise as "detail". While increasing the value you will notice the background getting darker up to a certain point. Leave it when the background is darkest and prior the object gets affected.
4) As a last step, increase the "Dark Anomaly Filter" parameter. This further helps pushing the background noise down.

should You still see noise there are some tools help mitigating this:
A) Bin the picture to remove most oversampling in favor of gaining SNR and bit depth - see Bin module user Notes for method, clarification and discussion
B) Redefine the ROI - step 2. You may need to leave some dark detail in favor of gaining SNR
C) Isolate preset in Life module
D) Denoise / Denoise 2.0
the AutoDev is not as much "auto" as the name may suggest. It needs decent setting to produce good results. Take some time to tweak until You get a decent stretch. Be sure to check Guy's user notes on AutoDev

hope this helps
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