wavefront estimation

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wavefront estimation

Post by pepe.lombris »


I just learned about the Wavefront Estimator in Pixinsight. Basically it is a script which allows to analyse diffraction pattern in start test images.
https://github.com/PixInsight/Reference ... tEstimator

Do you think it makes sense to include something similar into startools?

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Re: wavefront estimation

Post by admin »

Hi Stephan,

Thank you for this feature request.
Unfortunately, these sorts of diagnostics tools for optics fall a little outside of the realm of image post-processing (unless you feel otherwise of course!).

StarTools' unrelenting research and development is centered solely around pushing the boundaries of signal processing and making the most of a dataset's signal. The scope of image post-processing is vast, while innovation in this area is sadly mostly neglected by other AP software makers. From the outset I made the decision to be careful to not create another, comprehensive software suite that "does everything" but "does nothing particularly well".

For example, I always promised myself I would add stacking capabilities if I could not think of any way new ways to improve signal fidelity and work flows. The fact that this hasn't happened in the almost 10 years(!) since ST's launch, serves as an indicator of how much there is (and has been) to improve in just the area of image post-processing.

Do let me know if you have any questions, concerns or other feature requests!

Clear skies,
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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