NGC 2174

User images created with StarTools.
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NGC 2174

Post by RICH-DSO »

I am still learning the software and my question is: How can this photo be improved with StarTools ?
Last edited by RICH-DSO on Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: NGC 2174

Post by happy-kat »

You might want to check the colour balance I am seeing it a little green.
Possibly from reading a previous recent post you might want to watch that increasing saturation in the colour module does cause colour edging within your stars, are you using a camera with lens or refractor for your imaging?
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Re: NGC 2174

Post by RICH-DSO »

Thank you for the post.
I am using a RASA and CCD camera, no filter
Posts: 253
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Re: NGC 2174

Post by Rkonrad »

Nice image Richard. If you post your stacked tiff or fit, I would be happy to process it and see what I come up with. I'll then post the log file.

Cheers Richard
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Re: NGC 2174

Post by RICH-DSO »

Hi Richard,

I was unable to post the Fts stack using the forum.

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Re: NGC 2174

Post by Rkonrad »

You could post a link to say dropbox, google drive etc.

Posts: 190
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Re: NGC 2174

Post by RICH-DSO »

Hi Richard,
The link is:

This file is linear.
I saw one of your photo of the Cave nebula in the forum. May I ask what equipment you use ? Amazing photo!
Thank you for your help!
Last edited by RICH-DSO on Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 253
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Re: NGC 2174

Post by Rkonrad »

Thanks re: Cave Nebula but that wasn't my data but Eric Cole's. ( I hope I made that clear in the post). It was an image processing challenge from the Astroimaging Channel. My hardware setup is so poor I tend to leach off other's data!:)

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Re: NGC 2174

Post by happy-kat »

If you are stacking using DSS you should use the autosaved fits file.
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