Planetary Video Imaging

User images created with StarTools.
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Troy Galebach
Posts: 42
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:31 pm
Location: South Central Missouri, USA

Planetary Video Imaging

Post by Troy Galebach »

Hello folks, I am a novice when it comes to imaging, and processing. I have been out 4 times with my Mallincam Video Camera, and have only done some lunar imaging.
Since I've had little success here in getting clear skys or calm evenings, I went in search of some video I might download and practice processing. I found it at this url
I liked this site because it has the raw video files, and what the Imager processed for an example of what it should look like.

I am also new to StarTools, and think I will use it for most of my processing, but while I ended up with a nice Jupiter image (yes it is too colorful) I have had nothing but problems trying to get a decent Mars Image processed.
None of the 3 Mars videos have given me decent results, does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Why do I get the Jupiter image I'm going to upload to this thread, but can't get a decent Image of Mars? Any ideas will be appreciated.
Jup.jpg (63.08 KiB) Viewed 2538 times

You can see the original at the url I posted above.

The Second video of Mars is giving me fits..this is the best I can do, and maybe it's the best possible. Again, I registered and stacked using Siril, then loaded the FIT file into StarTools.
I tried to use the same workflow as I did for Jupiter, but I am not satisfied. Any ideas welcome here too. Again the url shows what the imager created with their processing I can't get the small icecap which shows on the original imager's processed image.
Mars.jpg (19.45 KiB) Viewed 2538 times

I finally got one of the Mars videos to give me decent results.
NYDMars_stacked.jpg (29.64 KiB) Viewed 2512 times
Again the imagers work can be viewed on the url I posted above.

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