ngc7000 + m42

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ngc7000 + m42

Post by Rkonrad »

Here is my interpretation of Christopher Gomez's data of ngc7000 in hubble palette. All processing was done in StarTools except for colour alterations which were done in PS (love to know of a Linux alternative). I created a luminance by blending the three layers with lightening mode and then simply loaded up the respective layers, r (S11), g (HA), and b (Oiii). I didn't equalize the levels as the S11 and Oiii were really strong. Great data! It's from the data pool of astrobin.



Edit: in the same posting I thought I'd include my version Jan D;s data of M42. Sorry it feels like I'm cheating as I'm not sweating with all the setup stuff....nevertheless the data is at

My image is
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