M-92 HDR Image

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M-92 HDR Image

Post by Reverend_Coyote »

Hello y'all,

this is my first posting in this forum. Still trying to get comfortable with StarTools, am now at the point of starting to like it. This M-92 ain't my first image processed with StarTools, but so far my best result. I would like to get some comments whether the outcome is ok, so-so, or completely beyond any hope.

Canon EOS-60Da (original version)
3 single images, 15/60/240 sec, dark frame calibration
Nasmyth Cassegrain 1065/15000mm, Focal Reducer (ca. 3900mm)
APT (camera control), Canon DPP4 (HDR-ing), StarTools (processing)

I first processed all three calibrated input images (15/60/240sec) with StarTools,
before they were HDR combined, and afterwards retouched the resulting image from the HDR process again.

The color halos around the brighter stars are from the focal reducing system, which is soon to be replaced by something more suitable for imaging.

Greetings from Germany, Gerd
M-92, Hercules
M-92, Hercules
M92_HDR.jpg (509.97 KiB) Viewed 7417 times
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Re: M-92 HDR Image

Post by happy-kat »

There are lots of stars picked out, very sparkly.
Did you use the wipe module?
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Re: M-92 HDR Image

Post by Reverend_Coyote »

Hello happy-kat,

I processed the single raw images (15/60/240secs) first with StarTools, loaded them with option #2 (linear, was bayered, not whitebalanced), modules used in following order:

AutoDEV, Wipe, AutoDEV, Bin, HDR, Contrast, Life, Deconv, Flux, Denoise (tracking off), Color

then put them together as HDR image in Canon DPP4 and touched the resulting HDR image again with StarTools:

Develop, Wipe, Sharp, HDR, Life, Denoise (stop tracking)

Obviously I loaded the HDR image again with the option #2 (linear, was bayered, not whitebalanced) although this was no longer a linear image anymore. I am still experimenting with StarTools and trying to find the right way to do things.

Greetings, Gerd
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Re: M-92 HDR Image

Post by Rkonrad »

I like the detail very much but am wondering about the colours. As I understand, globular clusters are amoung the oldest parts of the universe so there so should be little "blue" or "red" (new creations) but mainly "yellow - white"(much older). It would be great if you would feel comfortable sharing your stacked tiff or fit for anyone on the forum to work on.


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Re: M-92 HDR Image

Post by Reverend_Coyote »

Hello Richard,

I'll try to upload the dark-corrected but otherwise unprocessed images onto my provider's FTP space tonight, so that everyone interested can give her/his best shot at the material. I hope this will work over my slow internet connection, if so I'll post the link here.

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Re: M-92 HDR Image

Post by Rkonrad »

Whenever you can - looking forward.

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Re: M-92 HDR Image

Post by Rkonrad »

Hi Gerd,

Just to be clear, I would be interested only in the unprocessed tif/fit that is already stacked. You had mentioned images not image in the previous message.


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