Help with UHC-S filter

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Help with UHC-S filter

Post by Jaume »

Last night I did some photos (200 pictures , ISO 800, 20”) of NGC7380 whit my Nikon DSLR and the Baader UHC-S filter for light pollution.
I used DSS for stacking like I read in some tutorials, and approximately 150 pictures were staked.
At last, I have a fit file, that I open with Star tools. Then I use BIN (75) -> Autodev -> Crop-> Wipe (using Mask with Lasoo for the nebula) -> Vignetting ( Dark anomaly filter 5 pixels) -> Do
After that the image is fine. But I can’t see the nebula.
The I Use Develop, sliding until 90-92%.
The nebula is not in the image but I’m sure that is in there.
What can I do? Can you Help me?
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Re: Help with UHC-S filter

Post by admin »

Jaume wrote:Hi
Last night I did some photos (200 pictures , ISO 800, 20”) of NGC7380 whit my Nikon DSLR and the Baader UHC-S filter for light pollution.
I used DSS for stacking like I read in some tutorials, and approximately 150 pictures were staked.
At last, I have a fit file, that I open with Star tools. Then I use BIN (75) -> Autodev -> Crop-> Wipe (using Mask with Lasoo for the nebula) -> Vignetting ( Dark anomaly filter 5 pixels) -> Do
After that the image is fine. But I can’t see the nebula.
The I Use Develop, sliding until 90-92%.
The nebula is not in the image but I’m sure that is in there.
What can I do? Can you Help me?
Hi there, welcome to the StarTools forums! :text-welcomewave:

Your problem is most likely that NGC 7380 is extremely faint. From a light polluted location and using just 20" frames, chances are that you simply did not get enough signal.
If you're just getting started, and depending on your location and light pollution, I would try some other, easier objects first. E.g. M42, M8, or the Carina nebula if you're in the Southern hemisphere.
That said, if you definitely feel the signal is there, feel free to share your stack with us here (e.g. through Dropbox, Google Drive or similar).

Clear skies!
Ivo Jager
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Re: Help with UHC-S filter

Post by Jaume »

Here are the pictures stacked with DSS ... sp=sharing

And the same pictures stacked with Nebulosity ... sp=sharing

Thanks for your help
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Re: Help with UHC-S filter

Post by admin »


Thank you for uploading. I just had a look at the data.
Unfortunately, it is as I feared; there is simply not enough signal in your stack.
Most of all though, you need to take flats; they are not optional, especially when you go for very faint objects like these. Any faint nebulosity you might have recorded is overwhelmed by uneven lighting and vignetting.
My original advice still stands - if you can't go longer than 20 seconds (I see some field rotation in your subs, correct?) cut your teeth on easily acquired objects such as M42, M8, M31, etc.

I hope this helps & wish you clear skies!
Ivo Jager
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Re: Help with UHC-S filter

Post by Jaume »

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Help with UHC-S filter

Post by almcl »

In addition to following Ivo's expert advice, you are not quite on target. Image below (from shows NGC 7380 is just out of frame on the right. If you can get it centred you may find that the Wizard can be picked out?
plate solve.jpg
plate solve.jpg (60.71 KiB) Viewed 6075 times
Skywatcher 190MN, ASI 2600 or astro modded Canon 700d, guided by OAG, ASI120, PHD2
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