Mask Construction

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Starry Eyes
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Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:55 pm

Mask Construction

Post by Starry Eyes »

Save a saved mask into a current active mask in the session. Now I need to save a mask open a new session of star tools ( very inconvenient is in tracking mode), and use the layer module to combine them, save then open the target image again ect. This would really help with them halos among other things after tracking is off and can't generate fat stars or the deconvolution mask.
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Re: Mask Construction

Post by admin »

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm don't completely follow...
Are you saying you're combining masks in the Layer module?
If so, is there anything the Layer module does that you can't do in the Mask editor? For example, it is possible to make the Auto mask generator modify (instead of replace!) an existing mask, by switching the "Old Mask" parameter to the desired type of retention...
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
Starry Eyes
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Re: Mask Construction

Post by Starry Eyes »

Sure Ivo, here's one example I often save the deconvolution generated mask early on. Then after doing more work,( full mask, whatever) and after noise reduction I'll want to sharpen and use fractals on the prominent features but don't want to include sky backround and especially the stars and halos around the brighter stars. IMO the decon mask is better as a starting point than fatstars which is not available with tracking off. I find using layers can get me a better mask so I don't get undesirable effects. I do use the mask sliders and add new to old options so I get that part of how to do it. So this technique gives me regional control over mask making with already constructed masks. I used this on this one.

Starry Eyes
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Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:55 pm

Re: Mask Construction

Post by Starry Eyes »

Sure Ivo, here's one example I often save the deconvolution generated mask early on. Then after doing more work,( full mask, whatever) and after noise reduction I'll want to sharpen and use fractals on the prominent features but don't want to include sky backround and especially the stars and halos around the brighter stars. IMO the decon mask is better as a starting point than fatstars which is not available with tracking off. I find using layers can get me a better mask so I don't get undesirable effects. I do use the mask sliders and add new to old options so I get that part of how to do it. So this technique gives me regional control over mask making with already constructed masks. I used this on this one.

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