When I try to open a 230 MB .FTS file StarTools hangs and becomes unresponsive. The file opens with Fitsworks but I want to use StarTools. Running Windows 10 on a Lenovo laptop with 8 gigs of RAM. The program won't open any of the files it has previously opened. Please help.
Michael Hamburg
3 hours later!!: StarTools will open a .tiff file but gives me the following message when attempting to open a .FTS file:
"Cannot find resource file or resource file is write protected."
When I go into the program files I do see the resource file in the distro folder, but I cannot open it. I swear that the program has worked in the past. What gremlins are at work? I remain very frustrated,
mhamburg wrote:When I try to open a 230 MB .FTS file StarTools hangs and becomes unresponsive. The file opens with Fitsworks but I want to use StarTools. Running Windows 10 on a Lenovo laptop with 8 gigs of RAM. The program won't open any of the files it has previously opened. Please help.
Hi Michael,
Are the FITS files encoded as floating point values by any chance? If so, then would they contain a lot of missing values (aka Not-A-Number) values? StarTools can take a long time loading the files if it needs to assign (e.g. interpolate or extrapolate) values for missing pixels (e.g. Not-A-Number pixels). It does this in order to prevent artifacts (for example ringing) being introduced by algorithms that require "real" continuous data.
Michael Hamburg
3 hours later!!: StarTools will open a .tiff file but gives me the following message when attempting to open a .FTS file:
"Cannot find resource file or resource file is write protected."
The latter message should typically only come up when the program is launched and the resources file is not readable and writable (for example because it doesn't exist at all, or because it has read-only permissions set in the file system). If it comes up mid-program, there is something very, very wrong because something has caused the resources file to disappear on StarTools in that case!
Ivo Jager StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
Hi Ivo,
When I open the distro folder, the resource file seems to be there although it is in some unreadable code. (True for both versions of StarTools.) I inserted the license file, but I think that was not the problem. The program still hangs and gives me the "not responding" message. Then I get the it cannot find the resource file or that it is write protectedd yet that is not checked in its profile. I am stumped and stopped cold in my processing. Please help!
mhamburg wrote:Hi Ivo,
When I open the distro folder, the resource file seems to be there although it is in some unreadable code. (True for both versions of StarTools.) I inserted the license file, but I think that was not the problem. The program still hangs and gives me the "not responding" message. Then I get the it cannot find the resource file or that it is write protectedd yet that is not checked in its profile. I am stumped and stopped cold in my processing. Please help!
At this point I have no idea what could be the cause of this very strange behaviour.
Would you be able to share the FTS file with me?
Can you confirm/deny the data in the FITS file are stored as floating point values?
Ivo Jager StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast