
User images created with StarTools.
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Post by Russ.Carpenter »

Here is the galaxy that wins the beauty contest in the spiral galaxy division. NGC 1566, commonly known as the Spanish Dancer. 1.2 hours of imaging time, on a 27 inch Planewave located at iTelescope, in Siding Springs, Australia. R, G and B got equal allotments of time, binned 1X1. Subs stacked and aligned in PixInsight, all the rest in Startools, except for some brief interventions with Affinity Photo. I’ve decided that the Life module is my best friend.
Final1.jpg (418.13 KiB) Viewed 2718 times
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Re: NGC1566

Post by Cheman »

Beautiful galaxy and image :thumbsup:
Waaayyy to far south for me :cry:
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