Bug in Wipe Module? - Red Image and Black area

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Re: Bug in Wipe Module? - Red Image and Black area

Post by admin »

I don't know what to tell you... :(
I've never seen anything like this and I don't know what to suggest. This is extremely frustrating! :evil:
The issue is clearly there, even without using Wipe (for example converting to a grayscale image and the normalizing the image)
Does the issue look more or less the same across different areas of sky? (e.g. is it a fixed pattern?)
It's like you're shooting through cloud - really most peculiar.
Ivo Jager
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Re: Bug in Wipe Module? - Red Image and Black area

Post by midwayexpress »

So I posted my issue on a couple of other forums and they seem to think that it is related to the optical window getting dew or freezing. However then I noticed that if I completely removed the flat frames I ended up with a semi usable image. The problem is I can't see the pattern that is causing the problem in the flat frames.
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Re: Bug in Wipe Module? - Red Image and Black area

Post by midwayexpress »

So I tried to take new flat frames and bias frames tonight some affect but not much. I also took the camera off the scope and per the shop I bought it from set it to -40c and let it sit for half and hour. The result... no frost so I'm not sure where that leaves me except to send the camera back...
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Re: Bug in Wipe Module? - Red Image and Black area

Post by Rowland »

As a suggestion. What does a dark frame look like? You probably don't need them, but very useful for determining things such as light leaks.
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Re: Bug in Wipe Module? - Red Image and Black area

Post by midwayexpress »

I actually resolved the issue! I was shooting all my calibration frames in artemis but shooting my light frames in nebulosity. For some reason (likely rotation) the frames generated by the two programs were incompatible. Will post images later!
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