Eastern Veil region

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Eastern Veil region

Post by Cheman »

I've seen so many different color variations on this object, not really sure what is "correct", but I like these colors. This is a highly cropped image, due to lack of a field flattener for my WO FLT98 (one is on the way!!) http://astrob.in/116051/0/
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Re: Eastern Veil region

Post by admin »

Does this incorporate narrowband data?
Minor niggle, but the background appears a bit 'stringy' at times - would you know what could have maybe caused that in your workflow?
Ivo Jager
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Re: Eastern Veil region

Post by Cheman »

Hi Ivo
No narrowband.

As to the problems.....
1. stringy background. (I knew you wouldnt let that one go :lol: ) There were soooooomany stars in this image, I tried to tone them down, to make the neb stand out more. I think reducing the star size did the trick in that respect, but left the background that way as a result.
2. Also those many stars were slightly out of focus, because of the trade off in focusing due to no field flattener.
3. As a result of no field flattener, it seems that the stars towars the corners, that were affected, tended to throw the color off, maybe. Those stars seem to green.
does any of that make sense to you?
All in all, with all of that, I like the image :lol:
At anyrate, the field flattener came today, and with luck from the weather supervisor, I'll try it out tonite.
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