hixx wrote: ↑Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:54 pm
There is no intelligence telling OptiDev to "recognize" a star as point source, this is where SVDecon would come into play.
I think I often find that although SVDecon does an amazing job (better than any other software that I've tried), it just accentuates the difference between the now even more point-like star in the centre, and the big coloured hazy blur around it.
hixx wrote: ↑Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:09 pm
I found, when developing an image, there is no silver bullet tool that magically brings up a Hubble-like image. Instead, for me it worked best not to use just few tools to extremes. (I am sure everyone here might have different personal approaches which work best for them)
After Wipe, I just use a decent Optidev stretch with ROI to work out the object (DSO) then a tiny bit of Contrast to pull down darks a bit, HDR for local stretch enhancements, SVDecon just a few iterations and after Colour a bit of Superstructure (Isolate or DimSmall) to push back stars & maybe NBAccent. Rarely i use Flux or Layer which are really vast tools.... Playing around is the fun part, trying differnt settings for each tool and how they work on the object. There are so many ways to achieve different goals in ST, after some time You'll develop a feeling what works best for You and how to reach an intended goal. Of course, AI could do the same in a second, but that's just without the fun part!
That's my problem, I spend hours fiddling with StarTools images and rarely see anything other than their flaws - stars especially. Maybe this data isn't good enough, but I have better data, and I'm not sure that I'm that much happier with how they come out.
I'm not sure more data would make a difference either - I've tried increasing rejection from this stack, too see if tighter, rounder stars help, but it doesn't make much difference to the stars, either better from the tighter focus, or worse by reducing the total exposure.
decay wrote: ↑Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:59 pm
Instead, we would have to compare the result we get from StarTools to any other software/processing which respects signal integrity. Maybe Siril processing without using StarNet?
Yes, maybe. I don't know how to process the stars and background separately in Siril without using StarNet, and with them combined the stars will probably just bloat the same as they do with FilmDev or "traditional" software.
I don't think StarNet is doing quite what we think though, at least one of the features that Ivo identified is actually in the original stack prior to any processing, not sure why StarTools missed it. If I have a chance, I'll look through all the processing steps that I took and see if I can see where artifacts were introduced.
decay wrote: ↑Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:59 pm
I like your image you posted at the end of page 1 of this thread and the ‘OptiDev’ result of the comparison you did in your last post. If you would manage to get the best of both versions together, this would be a respectable result considering this limited data quality.
Thanks, that's encouraging
There's actually not much difference between those images, just more processing steps involved in the first one - and it used Ron's suggestion of undoing decon on the brigher stars.
Doesn't the plain OptiDev version look flat and blurry compared to the FilmDev one though? It certainly does to me when blinking between them.