Hey Stefan, here's my quick take after a new stack.
I threw everything into PI WBPP and left all the bells and whistles on, except cosmetic correction. That concerned me for a second, after seeing the results in ASTAP from, presumably, old darks. All else left at default, including VNG debayering. I vacillated between that and bilinear, and while the VNG may soften some crisp detail, their bilinear looked like it might give some artifacts around stars. Don't want that!
It's super easy to do. Siril was also, really. I just renamed the one folder that Siril wants as BIASES to DARK FLATS, and then used directory load. Even without the folder names I think WBPP can figure out what is what, and just automatically sets everything up. But unlike Siril you get a nice window with various tabs and columns/rows like you might see in DSS or ASTAP, only lots better. Still, I just hit the button and let it go.
And go it went. For 7 hours.
But I think it turned out okay. As with Siril I used all 27 hours worth of your lights, and figured I'd just let subframe weighting figure out which shots were good, bad, and how to rank them.
One nice thing about WBPP and the way things turn out after high and low rejection, is that a lot more of the frame seems usable. Basically it rejects out a lot of the stacking artifacts. That means it'll be lower SNR out there, but hey it's the edges, and there are some nice stars to include.
I did a moderately quick and simple ST workflow, bumping the initial stretch a bit, then contrast, HDR, SVD, and Color. I did use SS dimsmall on this. Then shrink but no iterations, just deringing 2px/color tame off on a few of the tiny stars that...rang. Followed by denoise and then a filmdev, but no direct gamma reduction, the DAF setting was sufficient for what I wanted. Might still be a bit too bold?
What a cool target, I must try this one myself.
I think the full tiff coming out of ST looks pretty good, but that's 37MB. The downsampled to 1600px and 92% jpg here...so-so. I uploaded the full size ST image and the PI stack to the same Drive link as before.
Thanks for letting me play with your 27 hour NGC 1333!
- Stefan NGC1333 PI-WBPP stack ST9 1B 1600.jpg (607.08 KiB) Viewed 19068 times