Stacking images in ST?

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Stacking images in ST?

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A quick word on Stacking and why it isn't (yet) supported in StarTools.

StarTools doesn't do stacking for the simple fact that there are already great tools out there that are free, (relatively) user friendly, and do a great job (DSS, Registax).
The aim of StarTools is to keep cost-of-entry very low by offering the one thing that is lacking, namely user-friendly and powerful post-processing at a token price.
When processing an image, the most time is almost always spent in post-processing. It is also the part of the processing where most newbies can go horribly wrong, while also standing the most to gain (post processing can sometimes make up for sub-optimal gear). That's why StarTools development efforts are currently concentrated on making post-processing as easy (and powerful) as possible.

Stacking is most definitely on the wishlist, but we feel the community is currently best served with a powerful and cheap post-processing application, as there really are none at the moment that fit the bill.
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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