Yet another... M13

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Yet another... M13

Post by dx_ron »

A by-product of having my mount sitting at iOptron being repaired is that I have way too much time to endlessly fiddle with existing data.
This M13 represents 5.25 hrs of 60s subs, with a near-full moon, using:
iOptron RC6 + AP CCDT67 reducer @ 993mm focal length
Orion TOAG + QHY5III462C

Workflow for this version: Bin 50%, Crop, Wipe, Contrast, HDR, Decon, Color, Superstructure dim small, Superstructure saturate, NR

Wipe: Earlier with these data I had been trying to go as mild as I thought I could get away with. Then I tried being quite aggressive and it seemed to make a positive difference.
Autodev: Turned Shadow Linearity down to 18% and bumped Detector Gamma up to 1.10
HDR: I had been using Optimize to keep from over-dimming the core, but this time I started with the Reveal preset then dropped Gamma Highlight to 1.10 and raised Highlights Detail Boost to 70%. This somewhat tamed the core while also brightening the stars (all the stars) without seeming to raise the background noise to an unacceptable level.

I have, as ever, several color variants. The one I'm posting here is toward the bluer-end of the variants.
M13_05-30-22_v5.jpg (477.86 KiB) Viewed 1299 times
Mike in Rancho
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Re: Yet another... M13

Post by Mike in Rancho »

Same data from your Star Colors of M13 thread earlier? I think this is the best one yet. :thumbsup:

The blues and the scattered, yet strong, golds seem much closer to the NASA example.
Posts: 278
Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:55 pm

Re: Yet another... M13

Post by dx_ron »

Thanks, Mike! Yep - same data. Figured I'd move over here as I'm not looking for "troubleshooting" any more. Of course I'll learn more if people see issues and point them out.
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