Please critique my M13

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Please critique my M13

Post by LuckyEddie »

I think I'm finally starting to get somewhere with my setup and processing, however I'm sure there's room for further improvement. So please have a look at my M13 and let me have your opinions, good or bad, and suggestions.
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by admin »

Sorry, I don't really have any critiques. Even NGC 6207 is starting to show spirally detail, rather than being a smudge!

There may be the slightest bit of green dominance visible (check MaxRGB), but other than that, this an image to be proud of. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
Ivo Jager
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by LuckyEddie »

Wow, thanks Ivo. :D That means a lot coming from someone with so much experience of image processing and analysis.

While I'm happy with the end result I do feel that I had to abuse the processing quite a bit to get there. I think I need to improve my actual data to have a chance of a nice result on more difficult targets. That there's quite a lot of background noise (mostly light pollution but I'm not sure that my flats are ideal) and some residual coma (I'm still tuning the spacing which is definitely not Baaders stated 55mm).

Would you, or anyone else, mind casting an eye over the unprocessed stacked image and my log to see if anything jumps out that I could pursue?
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by Carles »

Hello : )

it is actually a very nice result! If I had to critisize anything wouold be the core colour
that seems rather "purple" and with some greens too...

I had a go at your data, and yeah I had to use high aggressivity on Wipe cuz background noise
This is my rendition of the data : )

Tried to balance the core with more "natural" blues and yellows, pumped saturation a bit, and
for the galaxy, i didn't like the result when overall Colour balance, so made a mask and did
"constency" on it only : )

thank you for sharing the data, was fun process,
result is reduced 50% bin after processing to fit it here.
M13 50%.jpg
M13 50%.jpg (370.91 KiB) Viewed 3816 times

Full size ... dEatbULCac


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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by LuckyEddie »

Hi Charles,
That's a great result, thanks, and now I see it side-by-side with mine I can see the touch of purple around my core.
Any chance you could share your log so I can precisely see the processing differences?
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by Carles »

LuckyEddie wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:32 pm Hi Charles,
That's a great result, thanks, and now I see it side-by-side with mine I can see the touch of purple around my core.
Any chance you could share your log so I can precisely see the processing differences?
Hi Eddie,

Thank you :)
sure, I've uploaded here. ... zHORBFA6tQ


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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by fmeireso »

My try at it.

Bit cropped to enlarge it. What do you think?

Maybe a tad to much to the purple but that can be adjusted.
Great data anyhow, lots of stars.

What scope? Integration time?
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by fmeireso »

Bit less purple...less saturated
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by decay »

Hi Eddie, a very impressive data set with a lot of fine detail! :thumbsup: I own a similar scope (GSO 200/1000) and I never managed to get a result like this.

The image would be perfect in my eyes, if you could find a way to get rid of this annoying mottles in the background. I often have that problem as well, a bit more or less and I have unfortunately no idea what causes this or how to defeat it.

Best regards, Dietmar.
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Re: Please critique my M13

Post by LuckyEddie »

Thanks to all that chipped in. I've settled on this version as my final attempt (for now).
I think I've fixed the colours to be more natural, opened up the top end dynamic range a little with HDR, and slightly squashed the background mottling - but still not black clipping.

Thanks for all your kind comments and input.

P.S. fmeireso - the equipment and acquisition details are at the Telecopius link in the original post.
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