I didn't really know what I was doing with the Visual Spectrum Narrowband Accent Compositing, but I can see now how you reduced the noise with the auto dev, and then I was surprised at how much you increased the Gamma by, but I can see that this was key to bringing out the Ha.
Also, I never would have considered using the Legacy setting for the Color. I'll have to play around with that a bit, and see if I can get a similar result but without using Legacy.
Two quick questions:
* I realise the Ha is noisy, and this is because it was shot with a variety of exposure times (because I'm still testing), in a full Moon, close to the horizon. But, is it very much noisier than you would expect? Would the fix be to use shorter exposures under those conditions and/or more exposure time?
* For the Wipe module, is it 'normal' to have to go up to 94%? It's very much higher than I used with the DSLR. I'm happy if this is within normal bounds but it seems very high, and I just want to make sure my acquisition is up to snuff before I start trying to compensate during processing.
Anyway, thanks everyone again.

Cheers, Brendan