I wonder if you may be able to help me get more out of some dubious data..?
I started AP during the Spring of 2020, using s small 'frac. Having caught the AP bug (fortunately, not the 'other' bug

A little over a week ago, I imaged the Horsehead Nebula: 3min subs, totalling 2:50hrs integration. Regrettably, the Moon was c.70% waxing and close to the target. I have saved the calibrated (inc Darks, Flats and Bias') and stacked DSS file in Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0b5kht08g52im ... e.fit?dl=0
A simple stretch will reveal plenty of stray light and a horrendous lens flare artefact, either caused by the Moon, Alnitak or both. In my processed image https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjo74dfjimy90 ... .tiff?dl=0 you'll see I've cropped much of that out to spare my blushes. The larger stars reveal the effects of atmospheric refraction (blue shifted North, yellow South) for a target that reached no higher than 36deg alt. But 'hay', that is definitely a horse's head.

I would be grateful if you could have a crack at processing the DSS file in StarTools and sharing your log file, along with any tips. I am a big fan of this software, which has enabled me to explore AP on a budget, but am aware that my rudimentary skills have stalled. I appreciate that the conditions described above were far from ideal, but 'needs must' in the Atlantic-driven skies of the UK.
Thanks for reading this post.
Stay safe and clear skies
[Gear: wedge-mounted CPC925 (reduced to F6.3), ASI Air Pro, ASI 294MC Pro main camera, ASI 120MM guide camera, running StarTools v1.5.369]