NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

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NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

Post by Startrek »

Due to weeks of ongoing cloudy weather, decided to re process of some previous OSC narrowband data ( IC 2944 ) using Compose and the OSC Bi Color option in Startools V1.7

Scope 8”f5 GSO newt
Mount EQ6-R pro
Camera ZWOASI2600MC Gain 0 cooled to -10C
Optolong L Extreme filter
EQMOD and Ascom Stellarium
PHD2 Multistar guiding
2 hours data ( 180 sec subs )
No calibration frames
Stacked in DSS

AutoDev to inspect data set
Bin 50%
Crop LHS to centre object
Wipe Basic
AutoDev final stretch
Star mask invert
Noise reduction

Color Module
Style Scientific
Reduce Red bias
Reduce Green bias
Increase Blue bias
Matrix SHO options
Adjusted bright and dark Saturation accordingly

Original Synthetic Luminance image
5 x Bi Color SHO matrix options

Comments welcome
B6F82C0D-1797-415F-8DC7-734746C724B2.jpeg (491.67 KiB) Viewed 2848 times
Posts: 385
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:49 am

Re: NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

Post by Startrek »

Remainder of images ( they were attached but didn’t send )
EF1D2926-3702-4275-B858-ED7EEF374FAE.jpeg (589.49 KiB) Viewed 2845 times
ED73B0B5-E432-418B-BB3D-1165D30702AA.jpeg (617.71 KiB) Viewed 2845 times
96802EAC-13F2-435A-86C5-A5EF723C7414.jpeg (566.67 KiB) Viewed 2845 times
Posts: 385
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:49 am

Re: NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

Post by Startrek »

A few more .....
2C79E18F-1C22-48B4-8FBA-A218A24A9FA5.jpeg (568.15 KiB) Viewed 2845 times
FC34A58F-DCE0-42C5-ADB9-7669EEE82CC6.jpeg (568.59 KiB) Viewed 2845 times
Posts: 86
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:43 pm

Re: NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

Post by firebrand18 »

Very nice Matrix variations; love the colors. :thumbsup:

I also have the L-Extreme and would like to similarly dabble with my recent targets; don't suppose you have the ST log file for all this you can share? Did you load the same dataset in the RGB slots in Compose and choose the usual bi-color OSC/DSLR long-winded option in the dropdown?

You mention an inverted star mask after final AutoDev and before Contrast; what were you aiming for in that step?

Posts: 385
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:49 am

Re: NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

Post by Startrek »

Thanks Nick,
Sending you my log doesn’t really help as each set up is different , the type of target nebula ( brightness and strength of Ha , SII and Oii ) requires subtle variations and also Sky conditions too
What I can send you is a generic workflow when using Compose with OSC Narrowband data and some examples in the Color module
See below .....

Compose OSC Bi Colour Images for Emission , Reflection and Planetary Nebula using L Extreme filter

Open Startools and use “Compose” to load data set

Select Luminance Colour - L+Synthetic L from R (2xG ) B, R ( GB) (GB) ( Bi Colour from OSC DSLR )

Load your data set into
R / S11
Green / Ha
Blue /Oiii

Leave Luminance file None
Color Channel Interpolation On
Channel sliders are set to default or 1hr 3600sec ( no need to adjust )

When loaded press Keep , then choose Linear

Start your normal workflow in Synthetic Luminance or Mono until you hit the Colour module

Colour Module
Style Scientific ( Colour Constancy )
Saturation Amount 180% to 250%
Bright Saturation + 2.0 to taste
Dark Saturation + 2.0 to taste
LRGB Emulation Try both RGB Ratio CIELab Luminance Retention and Straight CIELab Luminance Retention
Bias Slider Mode - Sliders Reduce Color Bias
Red Bias 2.0 to 3.0
Green Bias 3.00 to 4.00
Blue Bias 1.20 to 1.60

The above settings are only a guide. Green bias must be reduced and Blue bias increased to obtain a good Bi Color image. Adjust as necessary.

The above should result in a good Bi Colour image when using the SHO Options in the Matrix at the bottom right

Generally for HOO , HHO, OOH options in the Matrix , reduce the Red bias, increase the Green bias and leave the Blue bias similar to SHO options.

For Interpolate and RGB options in the Matrix , again adjust the Red bias and Green bias to taste. Normally the Blue bias can remain between 1.20 to 1.60

Also I create a Star mask to start my work flow as I don’t want stars to be sampled ( an exception is HDR where the stars do bloat after applying HDR , but I think Ivo is addressing that issue in V 1.8 )
Plus I use the mask when using Shrink ( usually 6 to 8 pixel strength, not default 10 )
Then just before the Color module I clear the mask
So no mask with the Color module when using the above Bi colour guide and matrix in Color module

Hope the above helps
Clear Skies

PS: I just finished a re process of NGC 3372 using this Bi Color method and it turned out really well , very pleasing , I might post it so you can have a look too
Posts: 86
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:43 pm

Re: NGC 2944 Running Chicken Nebula

Post by firebrand18 »

Yeah, makes sense for the log; too many variations. Appreciate you taking the time to outline your process steps; good to see how others approach their ST flow and you've given me some good tips to try out as I get deeper and deeper "into the weeds" with this great software. I'm using the latest 1.8 rev with GPU and love the features.

Would be great if you can share the image. :obscene-drinkingcheers:

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