Linear Fit Clipping
Linear Fit Clipping
I noticed in the unofficial manual that average or winsorized stacking is recommended. Is linear fit clipping (from PI or Siril) not recommended?
Scott K
Re: Linear Fit Clipping
Thank you for your question. Linear fit clipping appears to be just another outlier rejection algorithm, and its use should be perfectly fine (provided there are enough frames available to do its job properly - according to the PI documentation, that is 25 frames of or more).
To avoid confusion for anyone seeing this in the future or searching for "linear fit", this is has nothing to do with the "LinearFit" procedure that is part of initial color calibration in PI (e.g. color channel normalization). This procedure should definitely be avoided!
I hope this helps,
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast