Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

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Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

Post by Carles »

So, considering the L-extreme/enhance are dual band (enhance maybe almost tri-band)
should I use "Narrowband" preset in Wipe for them ? (together with Correlation setting ) I have tried and it could seem to be better... but not sure.

In theory Narrowband setting is very little aggressive since in narrowband not much gradients or lightpollution are
present, but what about these "pseudo-narrowband " filters?

Thanks :)

Mike in Rancho
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Re: Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

Post by Mike in Rancho »

I tried some of that myself last night on L'eNhance data. Indeed, reasonable. I imagine each set of data will have to evaluate if it works.

The changes I noticed on the preset were zeroing out the gradient aggressive slider, changing the sampling to 128, and then the edge changed from absorb to bounce back. I may have nudged the aggressive and so forth, as my data wasn't pure awesomely calibrated real narrowband, but it still seemed a decent result after deciding whether I needed anomaly filter and also the correlation filter.
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Re: Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

Post by Carles »

Hi Mike!

What do you mean your data wasn't purely calibrated narrowband? if it is l-enhance, shouldn't it be?

I am doing tests now too,
this is with "Basic " preset, nothing changed.
Screenshot-1.jpg (476.58 KiB) Viewed 4122 times
and this one is "Narrowband" preset. also nothing changed.
Screenshot-3.jpg (472.93 KiB) Viewed 4122 times
there's substantially more "Red" in the Narrowband one, but for my little experience with L-eXtreme, I can tell it doesn't let much Oiii to come through, in comparision to H-alpha... I had tested a while back an L-eNhance from a friend with M27, and recently I've took some images with my own L-eXtreme, and indeed l-enhance let through much more oiii.. (which I am not sure if I like it more or not... ) trying to overcome this with "Filter" module to "pump" the oiii.. but need to fidle more about this.

This is the final image I got doing Narrowband preset and "simple" workflow, didn't like the result in "colour" module, so left it as is.
Sin título.jpg
Sin título.jpg (349.24 KiB) Viewed 4122 times
Now will use STReplay for it to replicate the worflow and see what result I get.
BTW, I use a value of 1.7 in Correlation filter, been using different parameters and it seems it is good...maybe too much? not sure, need to play more with it :)
will post the result with "Basic" wipe later when it's done (slow 11year old PC :D )

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Re: Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

Post by Carles »

so this is the result following the log, but using "Basic" preset.
in the log, "Filter" doesn't show much... as for instance, doesn't show how many "clicks" one has done to enhance Hbeta/oiii
--- Filter
Parameter [Filter Mode] set to [Saturate Visual H-beta/O-III]
Parameter [Sampling Method] set to [3x3 Average]
Parameter [Filter Width] set to [5]
Parameter [Mask Fuzz] set to [1.0 pixels]

so.. Did a couple of clicks to push Oiii.
Same denoise settings too.
basic wipe.jpg
basic wipe.jpg (376.75 KiB) Viewed 4119 times
ummm... they're similar, besides the more red-ish background of the "Narrowband" version. But also, this one is somehow less noisy.. or it gives me that impression.

Let me know how your tests went :)

Mike in Rancho
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Re: Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

Post by Mike in Rancho »

Mostly I meant that my L'eNhance data was only 3 hours and I'm still fighting some issues with darks. I need to bench test it, as my Nikon is giving me some funny ADU readings on the kind of long darks taken with this filter. They're still working, I'm just not sure they are working to their optimum. Also, obviously real NB filters are often narrower in their pass range than the L-filters, and so probably cleaner.

Nice image! It's a great target, just hard to frame right to squeeze things in. I have some data on the West Veil and part of the Triangle, that I still need to work on processing.

Are you using 1.7? I haven't tried ST Replay yet, but might if it updates to 1.8. GPU version on your old machine?

I haven't tried anything as high as 1.7 yet in correlation filter. Usually .5 to 1.0, depending on how much I cropped and binned. I've been trying to think of some calculation that would give a good estimate of how to set that, such that detail below would have to be noise or artifacts. Right now I am just kind of eyeballing it and making broad guesses based on my imaging pixel scale of either .9" or 1.2".

Another you might try when using the NB wipe preset is to zero out the dark anomaly and see if it is even necessary.

When I was practicing on my West Veil, I also tried the filter module OIII. I think getting the right R vs B+G balance helps more first. Are you loaded in compose as duoband and then bicolor in color? For filter you might also try nudge/screen clicking on the teal pixel.
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Re: Wipe Settings for L-eXtreme /L-eNhance

Post by Carles »

Hi Mike,

I am using 1.8 510.
and you're right about dark anomaly... I could try to zero it out and see...

that image is actually a 25% crop from a drizzle version of the broom and triangle :P
since my machine is pretty old, with the full image in drizzle cant manage.. ( I drizzle cuz my pixel scale is 2.68"/pixel. so drizzle and after bin to adjust to a good sampling )

well, that's probably the difference with l-extreme and l-enhance. l-enhance includes h-beta and oii, at around 20nm or so? and h-alpha at around 10nm . while l-extreme has both oiii and h-alpha at 7nm. so it is "cleaner" as you say .

I dont exactly understand your problems with darks and ADU..it shouldn't be aproblem, filter or not, perhaps you fave some light coming in from somewhere...

and also I see your point about correlation values, i have to play with it myself too and see if I am going too high and blurring details or not... I set that number as it seemed to "smooth out" th trailing of the pixels. but as said gotta check more!! :D

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