Thanks Ivo,
You're right, on some other data the stacking warning still worked. Of course Wipe will smack you in the face with it anyway, so not super necessary.
There's a lot of new stuff to play with in Mask, so have yet to try many things. Am looking forward to it. I will note with happiness that the field of view stayed put in SVD when switching to mask.
As for noisy data, well I'm not sure I have anything but. It's just how I roll. However, zoom and pixel peep on the pixels that are going "wild" here, I don't see anything untoward there. Just relatively normal star areas, no hint of little stars hidden in the halo that deconv will reveal or anything like that.
Changing PSF resampling, or any other controls really, can have some effect but not really a resolution. In fact, sometimes a few wild pixels will disappear but new ones will take their place elsewhere. Could I really be that bad at picking sample stars? Maybe, but I don't recall this on 505 (unless I wasn't looking as closely).
So after trying my noisy bicolor West Veil and my noisy bicolor Crescent, with the same results, I figured I try some full RGB data for which I have a lot of integration. But why even do that, I have plenty of tutorial data on my drive.
So I tried the Elf M33, and had the same problems with...whatever we are going to call them. Wild pixels, planets, moons? Then I tried the Misti Mountain Cone Nebula. On that one, I left the image at full res after crop, no binning. I took default Wipe (not that it even needed it) and went straight to SVD. Sampling was a bear, because the starfield is crazy busy. Almost to the point it could use a "conservative" apod generation to go along with the normal and sensitive. But I found a bunch of green stars eventually scattered about the image.
It was much less, and they were harder to find, but I still ended up with some wild pixels around stars. Changing to intra+centroid did help make some go away. But not all of them, even after I dropped iterations to 5x. But at that point of course a good chunk of the resolving benefit of SVD has been left on the table.
That said, nobody else has said anything, so maybe it's me, or my machine?