The Eagle and the Swan

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Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:20 pm
Location: Green Valley, Arizona

The Eagle and the Swan

Post by Russ.Carpenter »

I’m not totally enthusiastic about this image, but decided to upload it to Astrobin in spite of my misgivings. You never know about HOO—sometimes it really works, other times it's insipid. At least this is an unusual field of view. I need to cut down exposure from 300 to 180 seconds. That Nikon F2 lens is too darn fast.


The Eagle and the Swan, Flying in Formation

The Eagle (M16) and the Swan (M17) make a nice pair in this wide field of view. This HOO image got 2.5 hours of integration time. With dark skies and a very fast lens, that seemed enough.

Tech Notes for Very Small Telescope
Nikon 200mm lens, f/2
10 Micron GM1000HPs Robotic Mount
FLI Microline 16200 CCD Camera, 6mm pixel

Processing with PixInsight, StarTools, and Affinity Photo
Eagle and Swan Small.jpg
Eagle and Swan Small.jpg (510.09 KiB) Viewed 3273 times
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