The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

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Stefan B
Posts: 469
Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:59 pm

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Stefan B »

With the help of @RICH-DSO (thanks so much again!) with ASTAP and aligning differenct channels I was able to do a combination of duo narrowband data in H(HO)O and RGB stars from broadband data of the Crescent Nebula:


StarTools did a great job on stretching the data (auotdev without ROI) and revealing the details (applying deconvolution and seeing the result has been a nice moment :-)). I can't stress enough how much I love 1.7's new SuperStructure module! It made a huge difference for the final result.
Combining the narrowband and broadband data in the layering module was fine, but I had to fiddle a bit with the star mask for the brighter stars with spikes. The algorithm sometimes has problems with isolating the stars and their spikes. Moreover, in the mask module the preset 'fat stars' was greyed out...does this one only work with tracking activated?

See details here:

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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Carles »

Awesome work, Stefan!

Did you use layer module straight? using compose to merge RGB with HO(o) wouldn't work?
I wonder as I'd like to get an l-enhance or l-extreme at some point... :)

Stefan B
Posts: 469
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Stefan B »

Hi Carles,

my workflow looked like the following:
- load the l-eNhance data into R, G and B in the compose module and use the bi-color/OSC option
- autodev, crop, wipe, autodev
- going through the modules (color: H[HO]O), final denoise and save

- load the broadband data (NOT using the compose module)
- autodev, crop (the exact same crop like for the l-eNhance data), wipe, autodev (a very basic one since I didn't want to extract detail, but only color; moreover, I didn't want to bloat stars since then the color would be gone)
- no processing in the different modules
- final denoise and save

Then both images were loaded in the layer module, a star mask on the l-eNhance image with the reduced stars was applied and the color of the RGB image was inherited to the l-eNhance image. The composite contained the H(HO)O image with RGB stars. Does that make sense?

I would not know how to get the RGB stars into the image by using the Compose module. Do you have an idea?

As for the point of getting an l-eNhance or l-extreme filter. I definitely don't regret buying the l-eNhance. With an OSC or DSLR it is a good way to enhance contrast and SNR on nebula targets (this probably also holds true for different duo/tri/quad band filters of other manufacturers). As far as I know you are using a dedicated astro camera and are dealing with more light pollution, right? (I am in Bortle 4) In this case I would go for the l-extreme to exclude more of the light pollution. But with my old, not very sensitive DSLR I was worried that with the l-extreme I wouldn't see anything in short exposures which would make framing and focusing more difficult. Moreover, I feared that I would have to go beyond 5 min of single exposures for gaining enough signal which would heat up my uncooled sensor. Nothing of this should be a problem for you. Just my 2 cents...I never used the l-extreme myself ;-)

Best regards
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Carles »

Hi Stefan!

thanks for sharing your workflow! :D
it looks interesting, and result is good :=)

Umm I was thinking on merging R with Halpha and B with Oiii from L-enhance;
open L-enhance file in compose only in R and save the file as Halpha
Open L-enhance file in compose only in B and save as Oiii
split the RGB (open the RGB file in R- save . G --save, B --save. )

merge Red with H-alpha (compose-> open Red in Red and H-alpha in Green) save as R+halpha
Merge Blue with Oiii ( Compose -> open Blue in Blue and Oiii in Green) save as B+ Oiii

then again in Compose module, load R+Halpha, Green, and B+Oiii.

I don't know if that would work right as I don't have the l-enhance files to play with. but maybe could work

this way you'd keep the star colors since you're still using RGB and also get stronger signal of the Halpha and Oii in
the red and blue channels.

Although, it is a lot of work!! haha if you give it a try let me know! :D

the other option is using L-enhance data as a Luminance in Compose, then color data in R,G and B.
like @ldipenti used in this post viewtopic.php?p=9963#p9963

I really like his result too :D He's using L-extreme, but should be similar with L-enhance.

and I think you're right; I should go with L-extreme, Since i am in Bortle 7...or worse because have many light
around (even checking in apps like Clearoutside states bortle not really)


Stefan B
Posts: 469
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Stefan B »

Hi Carles,

thanks for your suggested workflow! I think that should work and yield pretty natural colors. But if I do an H(HO)O recombination after splitting and recombining all the channels, false colored stars would be result, right?

If I'd like to use true colors for DSO and stars I'd go for the l-eNhance=luminance and broadband=RGB option you mentioned. I already tried this on the Flaming star nebula:
Using the same data I already tried different workflows and color combinations, comparable to @ldipenti:


If you have one of those duo narrowband filters and tried your suggested workflow please let me know the result! :-)

Best regards
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Carles »

Hi Stefan!

that is also an excellent result!!

unfortunately I don't have any of those filters ( I want them, though! ) So can't test it myself.

But as you mention, if you set the palette to HOO... I am not sure. It all would depend maybe on the settings in Colour module?
Perhaps if mask out the stars and set the identity to HOO , keep, then invert mask so the white balance keep the stars to their natural colour?

Not sure if could work (that is, loading it from compose as mentioned ) But I assume at that point it will only be a reinforced Red channel ? or will it take as H-alpha ? no idea!

Very interesting thread that one, too! Thanks :D

Kind Regards

Stefan B
Posts: 469
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Stefan B »

Hi Carles,

protecting the stars with a mask from being H(HO)O rendered and afterwards only balance the colors of the stars might work. Maybe I will have a go at this with the next suitable data set I get :D

Best regards and clear skies!
Posts: 213
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Carles »

Hi Stefan! :D

ok!! I'll be looking forward to see what results you get! ^^

Clear skies!

Posts: 213
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Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Carles »

Hi @Stefan B

A friend of mine lent me his L-eNhance last night to play with a bit :)
rest of the week is going to be bad weather.. so could only do some tests last night.

I've tried adding L-enhance data to my M27, and well.. guess I'm not doing it right. but,
also guess is not enough data to use as luminance maybe, (took 32x5min with L-enhance)
Although the difference in signal was amazing...was very impressed.

Adding some comparisions here, stretched in Nebulosity just to check. both are 5min single sub.
right with L-pro and left with L-eNhance.. I do need to get one of these filters!! at least to image
from my town...
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 02.42.59.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 02.42.59.jpeg (283.45 KiB) Viewed 5887 times
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 01.53.33.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 01.53.33.jpeg (280.1 KiB) Viewed 5887 times
And then tried to add this data to L-pro.
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 13.15.10.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 13.15.10.jpeg (94.41 KiB) Viewed 5887 times
Tried many different methods...but not sure if I do it right. Guess still got to test more.
1- using it straight as Luminance then RGB(L-pro in each slot)
2- take apart RGB and and L-enhance, then merge H-a + Red and B+Oiii.

I think result 1 was better, Ive selected "Legacy" .

Also tried Layer method, (this one posted ) that did work kinda Ok for star colors. I have done
an inversed mask and use brighten I think. I should check the log, I was just testing so much that
I've lost track. Will try to do again and take notes in case I get a decent result :P But so far so good

The performance of the filter really surprised me...perhaps L-eXtreme would be even stronger.
I've did a test shot at Lagoon and Trifid, but it seems like picked up a lot of red and not much of blue.
(guiding didnt go well on that part of sky so just one sub, and not even good )

Have not tried HOO since there's not much data. No Idea if would work. my test. Perhaps in Layer with
inverted star mask and swap bg and fg so the nebula color is kept on top of the RGB stars ?


Stefan B
Posts: 469
Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:59 pm

Re: The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Post by Stefan B »

Hi Carles,

so you already got some useful hands on experience I think! The results are very promising! Can't advise much on your workflow but for layering in the star colors into the l-eNhance image, I use the l-eNhance image as background and RGB as foreground. After applying a star mask to the l-eNhance image I choose the layer mode "Color of fg". This should color the l-eNhance stars with the RGB data. Blend amount 100%. But tweak to taste.

Good luck!

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