Screen Stretch

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Screen Stretch

Post by cybereye »


I miss the screen stretch feature that seems to have gone from the latest version of ST. I found this extremely useful when I was cropping and binning - any chance of getting it back?

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Re: Screen Stretch

Post by admin »

Hi Mario,

I know things have changed a little form StarTools 1.2.
But the cool thing is that in 1.3, screen stretch is no longer needed!

The reason for this is that, in 1.3, there is no distinction any more between stretched (non-linear) and unstretched (linear) data - it is completely abstracted away from the user. What this means is that your can apply operations that are traditionally only suitable for linear data (such as deconvolution) when you've already stretched your image. See for exmaple the M101 YouTube video where deconvolution is one of the last steps (just because we can :P ).

Both the Develop and the new Auto Develop modules now allow you to completely redo your global stretch (even when you've already applied other operations after). StarTools' new tracking feature makes a lot of operations redoable and/or sequence independent. This ensures getting a sequence wrong is (almost) a thing of the past. It also ensures that signal quality is maximally preserved. Finally it allows StarTools to better understand HOW you processed your image and then use that information to target noise extremely precise, while keeping detail intact. 1.3 signifies a big milestone in terms of quality and ease-of-use for StarTools.

So instead of doing a screen stretch, just go ahead and do a 'real' stretch. Then Bin and/or Crop your data the way you want and simply redo your 'real' stretch.
Ivo Jager
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Re: Screen Stretch

Post by cybereye »

Thanks Ivo - I had a little panic attack but all is cool now!! :D

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