Ivo guides us through Startools
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:25 am
Hi Ivo
I have just found your workflow in this you tube video of a Google event that took place about 6 months ago.
A few technical problems as with all hangouts but a really useful and insightful work through a data set.
At 2.5 hours it is quite long but worth hanging in there especially the colour balance part.
One part is still confusing: with the - 1 "linear, was not bayered OR is white balanced" and - 2 "Linear, was bayered, is not white balanced".
Could you just give me the correct button to press under the following conditions.
Modded DSLR with Ha filter and then converted to tiff using DCRaw. These should not be white balanced if the settings are correct.
By the way during the hangout it was intimated you might come back and do some more with the guys at the channel. Did you ever get round to doing that ?
Thanks in advance.
I have just found your workflow in this you tube video of a Google event that took place about 6 months ago.
A few technical problems as with all hangouts but a really useful and insightful work through a data set.
At 2.5 hours it is quite long but worth hanging in there especially the colour balance part.

One part is still confusing: with the - 1 "linear, was not bayered OR is white balanced" and - 2 "Linear, was bayered, is not white balanced".
Could you just give me the correct button to press under the following conditions.

Modded DSLR with Ha filter and then converted to tiff using DCRaw. These should not be white balanced if the settings are correct.
By the way during the hangout it was intimated you might come back and do some more with the guys at the channel. Did you ever get round to doing that ?
Thanks in advance.