New video tutorials?

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New video tutorials?

Post by nyairman »

Hey admins, about some new video tutorials for us newbies. Perhaps on some DSO's or other objects that are in the current skies
in north and south skies this time of year. Maybe at least a couple of new targets every month?? The 6 videos on youtube are a bit dated. Thanks!!!
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Re: New video tutorials?

Post by admin »

Hi Greg,

You are right - the videos are getting a little long in the tooth.
Creating videos is an extremely lengthy process however, while the subject matter of any video should be an objective "how-to", rather than a "this works for this data set, but your mileage may vary". The latter is much less useful and may actually frustrate new users, especially when their data is less pristine than ideal (e.g. most newbies). More advanced users tend to have their acquisition techniques down pat and don't have to contend with low SNRs, dead/hot pixels, gradients/vignetting, incorrect stacker settings, etc.

As a result I've been much more active trying to sprinkle customised workflows around with people's personal data sets.

To make a long story short; there is very little that is special between DSOs that warrants a different/unique approaches in StarTools. It's all in the unique characteristics of the data that you - as an individual - produce.
Ivo Jager
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Re: New video tutorials?

Post by Rkonrad »

I have thought about making one to two videos but don't want people to think this is the very best way as I am learning too. If I submit one , I would be most appreciative of feedback from the more experience users/admin, and then perhaps make another one with the corrections etc. This way it could be more interactive.

Also, perhaps someone could submit their data in what ever shape that may be and we could do our best and in addition of submitting logs, show how we did it. Food for thought.

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Re: New video tutorials?

Post by Burly »

Yes maybe a video of how to do From one data set with a download link, then subsequent different how to videos on the same data, that way your all learning new skills from the same data and a galley showing everyone`s efforts with a log from your processing, trouble when you start out in AP your data is never the best and its easier to work and learn with good data ,my tuppence worth ;)
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Re: New video tutorials?

Post by admin »

That's a really nice idea! It would be fantastic to have a community effort as, beyond a certain point of basic skills, so much is up to personal taste. It'd be great to hear people's considerations when processing a particular dataset. When doing personalised tutorials I do try to articulate my considerations, but otherwise keep things really simple as to not advocate one particular subjective look/process over another.
Ivo Jager
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Re: New video tutorials?

Post by nyairman »

Thanks for the enthusiasm folks! If users here feel that their workflow on any subject would benefit others, then please share. Whether it be a video or even a log/text file, it just may be very helpful to others.

I do not have the experience to post any logs or data as of yet but, if and when I do, I would start with a text file on the workflow within Star Tools! I have followed 2 or 3 such ST text file workflows I found elsewhere and, each one helped me with
certain processes.

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