What abut a StarTools, the whole package
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:45 pm
First let me say that I love StarTools, I have left a thank you note to you in the general discussion section of the forum. What I would love to see in the not too distant future is a version of StarTools that would handle everything from image aquisition to alignment, stacking, combining and then dump the stacked file in for developement. As it stands now unless a person has very deep pockets and pay up for something like Maxim DL, the different stages of obtaining an image require so many pieces of sofware with different capabilities and price tags that make the job very long winded and expensive affair. Last week I attempted my first LRGB image of the M27, the results were lets say nothing to wirte home about. I however, spent a long time aligning and registering the files in photoshop and then saving them one by one by deleting the layers before combining in StarTools, very long winded and tiring procedure to say the least. The alternative was to buy a license for RegiStar for $150.00 to automate the procedure, something that I am not prepared to do at the moment. I also have various sets of data captured with different cameras and scopes and at differnt scales that could be combined given a piece of software that is capable of handling different scales, orientations and sizes, I know that I am asking for lot but let us know what you think.
Many Thanks and Regards,
First let me say that I love StarTools, I have left a thank you note to you in the general discussion section of the forum. What I would love to see in the not too distant future is a version of StarTools that would handle everything from image aquisition to alignment, stacking, combining and then dump the stacked file in for developement. As it stands now unless a person has very deep pockets and pay up for something like Maxim DL, the different stages of obtaining an image require so many pieces of sofware with different capabilities and price tags that make the job very long winded and expensive affair. Last week I attempted my first LRGB image of the M27, the results were lets say nothing to wirte home about. I however, spent a long time aligning and registering the files in photoshop and then saving them one by one by deleting the layers before combining in StarTools, very long winded and tiring procedure to say the least. The alternative was to buy a license for RegiStar for $150.00 to automate the procedure, something that I am not prepared to do at the moment. I also have various sets of data captured with different cameras and scopes and at differnt scales that could be combined given a piece of software that is capable of handling different scales, orientations and sizes, I know that I am asking for lot but let us know what you think.
Many Thanks and Regards,