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Zoom and Position Memory on Recalculation

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 5:13 am
by hixx
Hi Ivo,
many modules will present the image centered while using a default zoom value after each (re)-calculation.
This makes the users scroll and zoom to their desired preview setting after parameter adjustments and recalculation are complete
Could'nt ST use the last position and zoom setting values instead, so after each recalculation, the same section would be presented, with the same zoom setting?
Opening a new module would return to default of course. With that users would need to adjust preview only once per module.

Re: Zoom and Position Memory on Recalculation

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 11:18 pm
by admin
Hi Jochen,

Thank you for this suggestions, however I am not quite following...

Are you saying the view should jump back to the preview and zoom selected before calculations began, as soon as calculations finish? Wouldn't that be really jarring/annoying?

Re: Zoom and Position Memory on Recalculation

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 3:50 pm
by hixx
well the idea is, in case you like to fine tune settings against an area not in the center, while requiring a strong zoom level, you'd set your position and zoom and If you'd change a setting so the module needs to recalculate, the same position/zoom would apply hence you do not need to reposition.
Only when calling a module from main screen ST would use the default zoom /center position. This behaviour would be helpful to avoid multiple repositioning efforts when trying out various settings especially on modules requiring higher zoom levels (Sharp, Decon,...).
Currently in some modules ST sets back to default center position, so you'll need to scroll after each recalc. That would be the annoying part to me, but user preferences might be different - probably a candidate for a config option.