different use of lens module

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different use of lens module

Post by stw »

Dear Ivo:

I was thinking about using the lens module for adjusting and evaluating optics. For example, I found it hard to find an approproiate flattener for my ED refractor. Typically flatteners are not calculated for a single telescope and you have to find the right distance between sensor and flatteneer. And there is often tilting. Finding the right parameters can be frustrating at times.

I understand that the lens module can adjust for these parameters. So I though why not use the lens module the other way around. For example, one could image a reference field of stars, maybe even from a computer screen. Then apply the lens module and output and image that shows how startools would correct the image. This way tilting would be visible at once and maybe even finding the distance parameter of your flattener could be easier.

Do you think that makes sense and could be implemented in startools?

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Re: different use of lens module

Post by admin »

Hi Stephan,

Love your creative thinking! It's an interesting idea an I have often wondered about other uses of the Lens module. What you're suggesting wouldn't be trivial however and would require some rather precise measurements of the size of the imaged field, as well as any shift. This may defeat the purpose that you have ion mind (making things easier, not harder!)

The reference star field is an interesting idea and I've been thinking along those lines as well - comparing the two star fields can be enough to construct a model. WIll give this some more thought! :think:
Ivo Jager
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Re: different use of lens module

Post by stw »

Hi Ivo:

Thank you for your reply! I am glad to hear that this idea may be useful. About the size of the imaged field and shift maybe plate solving could help. Plate solving is getting popular these days and there is a small software called Astrotortilla which offers free plate solving based on the astrometry.net engine. I guess this way you can can extract the the size of the imaged field to a good accuracy. Just an idea ...

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