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Thoughts on using Graxpert

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:25 pm
by Topographic
I have been getting back into imaging after a long illness, I have noticed a lot of buzz about Graxpert. What are the thoughts on using it with StarTools. Aer there any pitfalls, advantages, disadvantages.



Re: Thoughts on using Graxpert

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:51 pm
by Carles
Hi David,

I'm using it lately, not always, but find it very helfpul to extract the background. 2 things to consider;

1- Image needs to be 32bit to do good work. I had issues with 16bit, and asked on GraXpert discord and was told so. Since then, no problem, I then save the image from GraXpert in 16bit with no issues ( I don't see real benefit on 32bit when processing in StarTools, and files are twice as big as 16bit )

2- Since it extracts background, it does sort of white balance, so when using Wipe you might see a lot of green noise that wasn't there on the original GraXpert corrected image, I don't know why is so. You can either push some parameters as Dark anomalies or aggressivity to get ride of it, or skip Wipe, but skipping sometimes gives me issues with Colour module...

That being said, I use the AI 1.0.1 model, and it works generally really good, and I feel I can make the most of my images compared of using only Wipe.

Hope it helps,


Re: Thoughts on using Graxpert

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:12 am
by alacant
As a last resort. On the rare occasions where Wipe really doesn't work [1]. Then and only then.
The problem afterwards is that the Color module becomes a nightmare.

[1] In my case wipe doesn't work due to my lack of patience, NOT due to Ivo's coding!

Re: Thoughts on using Graxpert

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 9:31 am
by astroimagery
I just posted a Youtube video where I compare the following tools for removing light pollution in astro images:
  • GraxPert
  • Siril Background extraction
  • AstroFlat Pro
  • Gradient Xterminator
  • Manual processing in Photoshop
Check out my video and see which you think is best: