Just a quick note that color is working much better for my OSC in the current beta vs. previous releases. Wipe also resulted in a cleaner image vs. 1.3 on the same fit file.
I here are a couple of quick feature additions I would like to see:
-Something like this http://www.bf-astro.com/eXcalibrator/excalibrator.htm built in to the color module
-The ability to have processing steps apply to only one channel like in Photoshop in a OSC image. For example being able to shrink stars in the red channel only
-The ability to export a log file of processing steps taken on a given image and then the ability to re-run those processing steps. That would allow you to quickly compare stacking methods and reprocess an image with minor tweaks even after closing the program.
-The ability to use magic before turning off tracking and auto mask -> fat stars after turning off tracking
-Magic shrink core doesn't work (it doesn't manipulate the pixels at all from what I can tell.