khyperia wrote:Although, I'm starting to think I should just go the "use DSS's intermediate files" route instead, since DSS seems to have figured everything out and has all the features in it, like supporting bayer filters, calibration, it has a nice GUI, etc., something that's going to take a long time for me to implement (and the only purpose of my program is to create standard deviation data). Heck, it'd probably work with other stackers, too, as long as they have the option to output intermediate calibrated/registered .fits files.
Ended up doing this just now. I've attached the Windows prebuilt, the source is available in the github (AstroStats folder) as a single cpp file (for linux). Should be simple enough as "g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -lcfitsio AstroStats.cpp". It doesn't need the Eigen library.
The Windows version has a file dialog built in, so it does *not* require knowledge of command line stuff. However, since mac/linux doesn't have a common file dialog API, it's only for windows (just wrapped in a #if _WIN32). I figured linux people should know how to use a terminal
To make it simpler, I've defaulted the output to be "standardDeviation.fits" in the directory of the first image file.
Open up DSS, do your normal stacking routine, but on the "intermediate files" tab of "Stacking Parameters", make sure these two are checked.
- DSS.png (13.35 KiB) Viewed 17050 times
which should generate a bunch of "blahblah.reg.fts" files alongside the light frames. Run AstroStats.exe, either passing in "path/*.reg.fts" if you're on linux, or by selecting those files in the file browser that pops up if you're on windows (windows command line with globbing works too). You should then get a standardDeviation.fits file in that directory.
It supports N-dimensional .fits HDUs. It does NOT support multiple fits HDUs, it will ONLY take the first one. It also copies over the fits headers from the first frame, hopefully carrying any bayer filter/etc information with it (Che, I need your data to test this, and also to see if I need to support multiple HDUs!).
Edit: whoops, you posted your data as I was writing this, thanks!
Edit2: Hmm... actually... that .fit file you posted earlier looks like it's monochrome (with a bayer filter, causing the gridding pattern). How did you convert the file to FITS? Did it come raw off the camera like that? If not, could you send me the original raw frame?