Histogram in Photo film development

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Histogram in Photo film development

Post by NGC664 »

Question, Should I be using the histogram when I stretch my image in this step? If I use " Home in" many times the histogram is so wide I am thinking that can't be the best. How do you get the best without regretting it later in the process.?

Thanks, David
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Re: Histogram in Photo film development

Post by decay »

Hi David,

is this the 'final stretch' (after Wipe)? The background looks still a bit undulated, so I would suggest to use Wipe module with slightly more aggressive settings beforehand. Do you use a recommended standard workflow? It's important to use the Wipe modul before doing the final stretch.

In general it's recommended to use Auto-/Opti-Dev to stretch your image. Film-Dev should be reserved for very special cases (which seems not to be the case here :think: ). The Home-In function should yield only a good starting point, feel free to push the 'Digital Development' to your needs.

It's often a bit tricky to decide about a reasonable background level and you are right, this is an important basic step for the whole processing. So it should not be 'black', but not be too bright ( :roll: I'm sure you already knew this, don't you?), otherwise you will get a mottles and patches at the end. And it depends on the noise level of your image. So I would suggest to use Auto-Dev after Wipe and then just try with different background levels. You will soon get a good sense for that.

Best regards, Dietmar.
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