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M8 Lagoon in Bi-Colour NB

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:14 am
by alistairsam
sorry about the duplicate post

I took this whilst I was waiting for "astro" dark to see what it looked like in my fov, and ended up processing it, pretty happy with how it turned out especially since this has just 1 x 20min Ha and 1 x 20min O3.

combined in startools using Ha:Ha:O3:O3 and then selective colour in PS. more of a free hand there.
my collimation was off so I had to "repair" some of the stars in startools so stars are far from good, but I do like the details I got in 40mins.

comments welcome.

1 x 20min Ha
1 x 20min O3

Paramount MyT
Astrodon 5nm Ha, 3nm O3
home built 10inchF4 CF newt
Lodestar X2


Re: M8 Lagoon in Bi-Colour NB

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:36 am
by Rowland
Been meaning to say, great image Alistair.