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M16 Eagle neb in Ha

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:29 pm
by ChrisLX200
This is old data from June 2014 which I've reprocessed using v1.4a, I knew it was noisy because there were only 5 x 900s subs in total, M16 is very low for me @ 53deg N and it is at it's highest mid-June (when it doesn't really go dark!). I only managed to capture the Ha channel, clouds prevented anything else. Ah well, excuses aside... the scope was my venerable NP127is and the CCD my Atik490EX operating @ 1x1 binning, which in theory at 1.1arc-sec per pixel is way over-sampled for my usual atmospheric conditions. So much for theory, the scope still produced amazing resolution and StarTools expertly controlled the noise to produce the images below:

Full frame (almost, cropped about 50pxls per side):


and zoomed in to the centre bit which should show here at full resolution:


And yes, I tried processing this data in PixInsight too and couldn't get close to this result - which probably describes my expertise with PI more than its limitations but hey - the job was a whole lot easier in StarTools...


Re: M16 Eagle neb in Ha

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:49 pm
by ChrisLX200
Oh, and in cse you were wondering what the raw data looked like, this is a jpg of the DSS stack, just stretched so it's visible but otherwise unprocessed (so the noise is still apparent)



Re: M16 Eagle neb in Ha

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:06 am
by Cheman
even your stretched only image is wonderful. You get some amazing results.