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IC433 Jellyfish neb - narrowband

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:37 am
by ChrisLX200
This is a composite of Ha, OIII and SII data (Astrodon 3nM filters) using 30min subs (total about 10hrs - can't recall for sure without checking!) I was very happy with the way StarTools revealed detail through sharpening, Deconvolution and contrast enhancements. Noise was magically reduced by the de-noise algorithm. Not so happy with the combination of channels though which was used to produce the HST palette (that step was done in Photoshop and not StarTools), I just can't get the colours how I like them and overall the image just seems to lose that 'sparkle' of the mono Ha result (which doesn't show in the jpg anyway LOL) and looks flat. Image taken with a NP127is refractor and Atik 490EX.




Re: IC433 Jellyfish neb - narrowband

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:06 am
by admin
Just stunning! :shock:
The stuff you're producing is of a very high caliber Chris. :bow-yellow: Please keep it up!

I'm happy ST performs to satisfaction - in particular the noise reduction. It's this feature (courtesy of the Tracking paradigm) that really puts ST ahead of the pack, as it should indeed yield objectively better results thanks to all the data mining that goes on; as opposed to other noise reduction algorithms, when it is laucnhed, it 'comes prepared' with a vast amount of knowledge about your particular data set and the noise evolution that eventuated during your processing. As such, it's not a one-size-fits all noise reduction scheme but, instead, is highly customized to your particular data set.

When it comes to coloring of non-RGB data, I'm not too upset that ST (for the time being) isn't your tool of choice. Since we're trying to display data that the human eye can't see (e.g. narrowband data) a more expressive/artistic tool/license is definitely not without its merits; there is no one best/objective way in which such data is preferably presented in the color domain. That's not say there are no plans for such enhanced functionality in ST... :twisted:

Re: IC433 Jellyfish neb - narrowband

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:03 pm
by ChrisLX200
admin wrote:Just stunning! :shock:
The stuff you're producing is of a very high caliber Chris. :bow-yellow: Please keep it up!

I'm happy ST performs to satisfaction - in particular the noise reduction. It's this feature (courtesy of the Tracking paradigm) that really puts ST ahead of the pack, as it should indeed yield objectively better results thanks to all the data mining that goes on; as opposed to other noise reduction algorithms, when it is laucnhed, it 'comes prepared' with a vast amount of knowledge about your particular data set and the noise evolution that eventuated during your processing. As such, it's not a one-size-fits all noise reduction scheme but, instead, is highly customized to your particular data set.

When it comes to coloring of non-RGB data, I'm not too upset that ST (for the time being) isn't your tool of choice. Since we're trying to display data that the human eye can't see (e.g. narrowband data) a more expressive/artistic tool/license is definitely not without its merits; there is no one best/objective way in which such data is preferably presented in the color domain. That's not say there are no plans for such enhanced functionality in ST... :twisted:
I always use StarTools' LRGB function for creating a bi-colour image, it just seems to work every time and produces a nicely balanced colour result :)
This is a bi-colour PacMan produced by StarTools, a couple of mouse clicks is all that's needed! I love this program, and whilst I respect the abilities of PixInsight (which I also have and use), but for preference if it can be done in StarTools then that's what I use. Better job, less fuss.



Re: IC433 Jellyfish neb - narrowband

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:39 pm
by AndyBooth
WoW Chris,
those are just fantastic, a great inspiration for us all to get out there and try our best!


Re: IC433 Jellyfish neb - narrowband

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:16 pm
by ChrisLX200
Many thanks Andy and Ivo, appreciate you comments :)
