NGC 3180 (or NGC 3184?) the Little Pinwheel galaxy
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2025 9:42 pm
This is the sort of target where the maxim "no point in focal length much beyond 1000mm because seeing won't support it" crashes into the other maxim "you need all the focal length you can get".
AT130EDT (910mm focal length) + IMX571c. 5 hours (151 x 120s) from SQM 18.7 skies (not quite B7, but close to that). Dithered every sub then CFA drizzled in Siril. Only the jpg for now, because it needs more time. I binned 50% to gain some semblance of a clean image, then cropped to avoid having to shrink any further for presentation.
Another try at "parallel processing". Once with 12-bit optidev and stretched for the galaxy, then 16-bit optidev and stretched to be as gentle on the stars as I could, then Layer to merge them. OK, I think? I added some equalized grain and some skyglow to the star image to try to match the background better.
There's a surprising dearth of distant background galaxies in the field.