Cat's Eye Nebula
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:50 pm
Current version is 11.5 hours (172x240s) with L-Ultimate duoband plus 2.5 hours (210x60s) OSC. AT130EDT, Risingcam 571c, B6 backyard
Crop, Wipe, 50% bin, Optodev with the ROI just barely into the edge of the really bright core (each pixel move of the ROI border had a large impact on how the outer nebula looked), Contrast, HDR (very little impact), Sharp (noticeably brightened up the outer nebulosity), Color, slight bit of Dim Small (70%-ish) then Layered in color from the osc. I had saved a mask from pre-color, because Flood Fill Brighter doesn't work well once color has been added. The OSC color went to everything outside the nebula plus the brightest part of the core. This view is cropped in Irfanview to 1600 pixels wide.
People go through great contortions processing this nebula, typically pasting in super-short exposures for the core. I didn't do that - I guess it feels to me almost like Photoshopping one person's head onto someone else's body. Oh well, no IOTD for me.
Crop, Wipe, 50% bin, Optodev with the ROI just barely into the edge of the really bright core (each pixel move of the ROI border had a large impact on how the outer nebula looked), Contrast, HDR (very little impact), Sharp (noticeably brightened up the outer nebulosity), Color, slight bit of Dim Small (70%-ish) then Layered in color from the osc. I had saved a mask from pre-color, because Flood Fill Brighter doesn't work well once color has been added. The OSC color went to everything outside the nebula plus the brightest part of the core. This view is cropped in Irfanview to 1600 pixels wide.
People go through great contortions processing this nebula, typically pasting in super-short exposures for the core. I didn't do that - I guess it feels to me almost like Photoshopping one person's head onto someone else's body. Oh well, no IOTD for me.